Cindy Buck of Santa Clara County Office of Education and Catherine Hawes of Sutter County Superintendent of Schools, the co-chairpersons of the QSS Users Group Finance/Personnel Committee, have made arrangements with Quintessential School Systems to have the Finance/Personnel Committee sponsor the following QSS workshops on a variety of financial, budget, personnel, and payroll topics. All workshops will be presented using QSS ControlCenter (QCC) the graphical user interface (GUI) version of QSS/OASIS. You can download a .pdf file for this announcement.
The schedule of QSS workshops sponsored by the Finance/Personnel Committee during 2009/2010 includes the following full-day, in-person seminars: Â On-site seminars will begin at 9:00 AM and conclude no later than 4:00 PM. There will be an hour break for lunch and two smaller breaks mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Lunch is not provided. Registration for a full-day seminar for individuals from organizations that are members of the Finance/Personnel Committee is only $25 per person. There will be a $250 per person charge for each individual from an organization that is NOT a member of the Finance/Personnel Committee attending a full-day seminar. The schedule of QSS workshops sponsored by the Finance/Personnel Committee during 2009/2010 includesthe following on-line webinars:
Webinar presentations will begin at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time and last for approximately two (2) hours. Registration for webinars is free for each organization that is a member of the Finance/Personnel Committee. There will be a $250 charge per webinar registration for organizations that are NOT members of the Finance/Personnel Committee. Advance registration will be required for participation in all seminars and webinars. All registrations requiring tuition must be prepaid via check – no purchase orders or payment on site will be accepted. Flyers describing each workshop, including the registration details, will be distributed via e-mail and the QSS Users Group listserv, and posted on the QSS web site, approximately ten weeks prior to each workshop date whenever possible. Watch your e-mail for further updates in the near future. You can also view a list of QSS workshops for 2009-2010 and for the Purchasing, Stores and Fixed Assets (PSFA) Committee.